Alchemy Studio News

The Life and times of Alchemy studio and darkroom.

Alchemy Studio is excited to partner with inner-west photography social group, The Darkroom Social.

Explore alternative developing techniques with coffee and organic materials in a fun educational setting.

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Alchemy Darkroom x The Darkroom Social

Thurs 16th May


Sat 18th May


Alchemy Studio partner Nick Gascoine shoots Nat Tran on 16mm for the exhibition Concrete Monstrosity.

DOP: Nick Gascoine // Talent: Nat Tran // Gaffer: Eastside Lighting - studio space lights

Nick Gascoine x Concrete Mistress

Urban Jungle x Entropico films

Director Aislinn Lowe and DOP Alexander Wade combine to bring Studio 01 to life with a 70’s vibe for Urban Jungle Beauty’s latest range of body lotions. Featuring everything from the full length mirror, spiral staircase and our entrance way to make this apartment come to life.

Production: Entropico Films // Director: Aislinn Lowe // DOP: Alexander Wade // Photographer: Evo // Lighting Services: Eastside Lighting


Photographer Sam Tolhurst shoots the NBL’s biggest rising stars in Studio 01. He needed a space big enough to accommodate 8 very tall individuals in both single and group portrait scenarios. We utilised the in-studio Aputure nova p600 light panels, making full RBG easy and accessible.

Concrete Monstrosity: Exhibition opening

Alchemy studios first exhibition opened with a great turnout from the local photography and architectural community.

Gascoine & Morris present Concrete Monstrosity, a photographic exhibition exploring the misunderstood beauty of brutalist architecture. 
For a few short decades, concrete combined with the post-war artistic boom ushered in a new era of architecture – one where the limitations of form and finish were undefined. But, over time, the public sentiment shifted, not helped by politicians and developers labelling these imaginative creations as 'Concrete Monstrosities'. Rather than fight it, this exhibition embraces the monstrous label and offers the viewer a lens – a clean slate, if you will – to look at and appreciate these beautiful monsters with fresh eyes. 
Concrete Mistress - a 16mm film will only be show at the exhibition

Artist Statement

Exhibition walk-through

Photographers Anonymous x Alchemy Darkroom

Photographers Anonymous stopped by the darkroom to develop some rolls and have a good time.